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nominate a student saver

Being a smart Student Saver is more valuable than ever! 8 Cents in a Jar wants to encourage students to save by offering the Quarterly Student Saver Stipend. Each quarter, 8 Cents in a Jar will reward a student between the ages of 8 and 28 for saving money and help them achieve specific savings goals by contributing $25 to their savings jar. 


Saving money is one of the most critical aspects of building wealth and having a secure financial foundation. Yet, many adults haven't developed the necessary skills to save for long-term needs and miss out on the wonders of compound interest. That is why 8 Cents in a Jar teaches financial education starting at the age of 8 to build habits now that will ensure a prosperous financial future.

Student Stipend
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receive a student stipend

For students to receive a high-paying job, they need work experience, to get work experience, they need a job. That's the never-ending cycle many students find themselves in while in high school or as they graduate college. 


8 Cents in a Jar Summer Student Stipend program allow students over 16 years old, to gain knowledge of otherwise challenging industries. While internships usually take place within the confines of an academic program and help students learn about a role within their selected major, our student stipend program is a great option for students who aren’t quite certain about their path or passion but want to try out a couple of options before making a decision while receiving a stipend.


This is a self-paced exploratory opportunity that allows autonomy to complete projects within a specific time frame (yes, you can work from home). No G.P.A requirements to apply. 

  • Juvenile prevention using financial literacy, Financial literacy training for youth in Orlando, Financial Literacy for Orlando Students, financial education for youth in Orlando

  • financial literacy programs for youth, Cash App $FLforYouth, Junior Achievement of Central Florida, Youth Financial Literacy for Students, Teach youth about credit, budgeting, scholarships, saving money, the importance of life insurance, how to start a business, and how to volunteer with their time and talent.  FINANCIAL EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH, financial education programs in Orlando, financial education programs in Apopka, FL financial literacy program for youth in central Florida -financial literacy for students in Orlando - financial literacy for high school students Orlando - financial literacy for elementary students Orlando - financial literacy for minority students juvenile prevention using financial literacy in central Florida HOPE Inside - Financial Literacy for Youth. A 2017 RAND report found that incarcerated individuals participating in education programs (like financial literacy programs) were 43% less likely to return to prison. They also concluded that these individuals were 13% more likely to find employment after their release. Education not only helps these citizens live a better life following their release, it also gives them a much better chance of staying out of prison. Learn More About Our Jumpstart Financial Literacy Program. We begin working with individuals prior to their release to teach them valuable skills, such as how to open a bank account, create a budget, save money, build credit, and more. We continue to assist them once they’re back in the community to help them manage their finances moving forward.

  • Financial Literacy for Orlando Students

  • financial education for youth in Orlando

  • financial literacy programs for youth

  • Cash App $FLforYouth

  • Junior Achievement of Central Florida 

  • Youth Financial Literacy for Students

  • Teach youth about credit, budgeting, scholarships, saving money, the importance of life insurance, how to start a business, and how to volunteer with their time and talent. 


  • financial education programs in Orlando, fl

  • financial education programs in Apopka, FL

  • financial literacy program for youth in central Florida -financial literacy for students in Orlando - financial literacy for high school students Orlando - financial literacy for elementary students Orlando - financial literacy for minority students

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8 Cents in a Jar Inc. Copyright © 2024.

All Rights Reserved.

Nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization

Federal Tax ID# 81-3359383

581 N Park Ave #8 

Apopka FL, 32704 | (321) 209-7686

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